That’s when I got thinking that there are so many obnoxiously stupid things happening around me. Heavy Rains in Mumbai – and famines in interior India – if we had developed a way to tap all the rainfall and feed it to the interiors – India’s food, water and inflation problems could be solved. The entire world talks of a double dip recession and India and China are driving the economy forward – why are we then still dependent on US aid and support – sounds incongruous to me. Bofors, Satyam , StampPaper , Enron –scams on a larger scale and millions of shams on the smaller scale - recently read that public land in Vashi was sold to builders for private construction or that Commonwealth Games are just around the corner and chances of construction becoming complete are bleak.– why isn’t there a system to curb such inane irregularities ?
Have you ever felt that there are instances when you know what is right but still you commit the error ?? You don’t want to watch a movie but your girlfriend wants to so you follow like a harebrained obedient cockerspanial, with a leash around your neck and your tongue and tail wagging. Your exams are tomorrow but you still spend the night watching Arsenal get a terrible drubbing by Chelsea – how preposterously vacuous. You are bitching about someone and send a message to the person about whom you were bitching - that’s a plain boneheaded buffoon moment or in simple English “ a blonde moment”
So friends I have decided that starting today I am going to start my own “stupid campaign”. If you witness anything insane, ludicruous or asinine – you stick the stupid sticker there. If anyone around you is scatterbrained enough to make a farcical comment in the most zaniest of situations – give him/ her the sticker. The image displayed below is my official “stupid sticker” which I shall distribute soon so let me know if you need one.

Oh in fact I know where you can start – stick a sticker on your forehead first for reading this obtuse blog and giving stress to your optical nerves. Now … now don’t curse me… you always knew that inception of such cockamamie ideas are always triggered from a rattlepated mind like mine which is currently replete with fatuous thoughts… But trust me on this one cause I am serious about it … :-) :-P .